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Found 2 results

  1. Hello there, I am a laboratory manager at a mid sized hospital; and we are in the process of evaluating automated blood grouping systems to enhance our lab's efficiency and accuracy. Our current manual methods have served us well; but with increasing sample volumes and a push towards modernization, we believe it is time to make the switch. I have been tasked with researching and recommending; a system that would best fit our; needs. Although; given the variety of options available; I am finding it challenging to narrow down our choices. I’m reaching out to this knowledgeable; community to gather insights ;nd advice from those who have already implemented such systems in their laboratories. Which automated blood grouping systems have you found to be reliable and efficient? Any brands or models you would particularly recommend or advise against? How seamless was the integration process with your existing LIS? Did you face any significant challenges? Additionally; how ext;ensive was the training required for your staff to get up to speed? What has yo;ur experience been with the maintenance; requirements of these systems? Are there particular models known for being low-mainte;nance? How responsive and helpful have you found the customer support from various manufacturers? In terms of cost, did the benefits of the automated system justify; the investment? How long did it take for you to see a return on investment? Also; I have gone through various reference post: https://www.pathlabtalk.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11166-blood-bank-uipath-automation-vs-manual/ which definitely helped me out a lot. Lastly; any anecdotal experiences or advice from your day-to-day usage would be incredibly helpful. Thank you all in advance for your help and assistance.
  2. Hi All, I am about to venture into performing my first ever validation of a test. I have been tasked to validate Rh+K phenotype testing on the BioRad IH-1000 (two of them). We have been, until now, performing the test manually, but as work is getting busier, performing it on the analyser might prove easier (or at least motivate people to perform phenotype). I have been given advise by my senior on how to go about it: Select 10 Donor Red Cell units which have Rh+K phenotype performed Perform the phenotype manually Perform the phenotype on the analyser compare the result pat myself on the back, provided I don't mess it up The issue I have is donor red cells doesn't indicate if they are K+, and I wanted some K+ as well as K-. I could always keep testing a lot of donor units until I come across a K+ unit, but I don't want to was a lot of cards (but that might be my last option). If I choose the NBS or BioRad Antibody Panel Cells, then the issue is the strength of the test cells, as they are, I think, 0.8%, and it does not fully represent the way we perform our phenotype manually, as it uses around 5%. I can always try and make the strength of the solution stronger, that is another option. So this is where I am at. If anyone has a suggestion, or better a complete plan, then I am happy to hear it. Also if there is any point I missed or need clarification, please feel free to ask, I'm fixed to this specific thread all night long. Cheers, Jermin
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