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    Hong Kong

About geohui

  • Birthday 10/06/1973

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  1. Thanks to all of you. For the questionable results, we reported "Indeterminate" results to ABO and Rh typing and recommend repeat the ABO when the baby is around 9 months of age. But the company dissatisfied the results and need we give the explaination. I think we will add "Indeterminate result due to present of mixed cell population cells" on the report. For cord blood sample is Rh(D) typing is negative need to do Weak D test, so that mean we have treat the cord blood sample as blood donor sample and need to differentiate the sample is weak D or partial D phenotype?
  2. I'm working in one private laboratory in Hong Kong, one of our client is a stem cell bank company. The company have cord blood samples sent to us for ABO&Rh typing. I do not have any working experience in hospital or stem cell laboratory, so I have some questions about the cord blood samples for ABO testings: 1. Why the stem cell companies need to do the ABO&Rh typing on cord blood samples? Theoretically, the cord blood sample is not a baby's blood or mother's blood. If the companies need to know the baby's grouping, the better way is they can test on the baby's directly. Agree? 2. Most of the cord blood samples can give very clear-cut ABO results, however there is a few samples will give very questionable results, like mixed field (a small solid clump with cloudy background in tube method and displayed double cell populations in gel column). How can we report these samples and what further actions can be taken to protect ourself? We suggested the company repeat the test on baby's blood, but they refused. The reason is: it will border the client and will make the client query the cord blood sample is correct or not. 3. If the cord blood sample is Anti-D negative, it need to do weak D test or not? Thanks for your help.
  3. Hi, Our lab will start to use this analyzer for ABO&Rh and agglutination tests (DAT&IAT) later, have anybody use this machine before and how about the comments on this machine? If I need do the method comparison of this analyzer to our currently method (Microplate and tube method) for ABO&Rh typing, can I just compare the final results only (e.g. "A Pos" compare to "A Pos") or I have compare each anti-serum and reagent cells results (4+ compare to 4+)? Have any guideline for evaluation? Thanks a lot.
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