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Posts posted by hughes

  1. Are you charging patients for both an IS crossmatch and igG gel? Also, how are you ordering and resulting, we have Cerner Millenium and it seems I cannot order an IS XM and IgG gel XM on the same, what we call accession numbers?

    I give up! Even though I know that between my gel crossmatches and computer the ABO incompatibility would be detected, as of yesterday we are doing IS on all patients. I don't do electronic XM and don't see an alternative.

    And so it goes.........

    Who said it had to make sense?


  2. Do most people practice pooled platelets/pooled cryo expiration date at dispense or infusion, in other words if a pooled platelet expires at 8pm and it is dispensed at 750, would you still dispense it even thought it probably would not be infused completely by 8pm.

  3. Good Day-

    interested in what people are doing in regard to LIS upgrades and validation testing, specifically are you testing every possible product, ie LPC CP2D AS3, AS1, AS5 etc... with every possible compatible and incompatible type in documenting built in flagging systems where applicable or are you only testing a subset of products/blood types. In your response could you indicate if you are currently AABB accredited.



  4. The provue cannot detect weak D. For pregnant patients, do most places do a tube test for weak D or do you accept the Rh negative result to protect against fetal bleeds. The weak D in the tube method could be from a fetal bleed in which case the weak D result would be inaccurate. What policy do most places follow in this situation?


  5. Hello-

    wondering for those using this assay if you are testing random donor platelets individually or as a pool. If using a pool how many units are in the pool that you test?


  6. Like to take a poll of those who have validated coolers, igloo containers, to satisfy aabb. Have you done it in a real transfusion scenario, following the transporter to the unit and taking temp or have you done it in a non-transfusion scenario, taking a unit out, putting it in an igloo and going to the floor to take temp when a patient was not being transfused.


  7. Your medical director would likely refuse issue of Novoseven in a trauma situation if they knew the patient was on Coumadin, since they have to approve it, I can only think they have to look at patient meds before approval.

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