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Everything posted by Jeff3344

  1. Hola everybody!!! We are trying to bring an Echo on board. We have a known K (Kell) in house, so we've had plenty of sample to work with. And the Echo misses it every time. Sure, you have a 90% chance of getting a compatible unit, but that is more than I'm willing to wager on. And for pre-natal issues and such... We can't be taking this sort of chance. I did a bit of a test today. I took our known Kell, and spiked the tar out of a sample of [X] who was of the same antigen negative, and same blood type. I put a LOT of anti-K in [X] . Both patients were drawn on the same date. That would be yesterday. Yep! Both came out negative on the Echo! So I did the same samples in Gel as well. Yep! Getting 2-3+ in gel on our in-house, and a good 4+ on my spiked sample. That would be [X]. I had stir-balls in all the proper reagents, all the QC was done, we passed all our initilazation tests. Either we are doing something horridly wrong, or this thing/our lot/ect... skips Kell. Has anyone elce tried it? Any info would be helpful because I'm voting for "No confidence" on this as an analyser. One skipped antibody is one too much in blood bank.
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