We are a small rural hospital (80 beds), and recently had a patient in the ER with possible ectopic pregnancy. Dr. orders TS etc. Phlebotomy drew blood and banded. Patient stated name as "Smith," and computer labels are "Smith", therefore banded with that name. Before phlebot leaves room, admitting personnel enters, and patient says she has recently been married, name is "Jones." Phlebotomy comes back to lab with blood and wants me to tell her what to do. I tell her blood must be redrawn. She disagrees, because she knows blood is from that patient. ER changes name in computer system, so "Smith" is no longer being used. I made phlebot redraw and reband patient. My question is, where do I draw the line? Did I do the correct thing, or should I have let the phlebotomist reband and relabel the patient and blood tubes? I thought the phlebotomist should have rebanded and relabeled in the room before leaving the patient. What do you think?