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Everything posted by mrsbueno

  1. Ok, firstly, I want to thank you all for your replies to my situation. It helped a ton and I am truly thankful. Secondly.......... My titer came back NEGATIVE!!!! Thats a good thing, right? She said if I want to be on the absolute safe side, I can go back and get re-tested in about 2 months..... but she'd guess it was from the shots I recieved. Also, she said that with the loss in January, the ER gave me a Full Does of the shot, not the mini...
  2. Well, no result today. Tomorrow will be a week since the blood draw. The nurse told me today if I don't hear from them tomorrow, to call Friday AM and they will ring up the lab. I wonder why it's taking this long? I'm so curious as we were trying to get pregnant when this all started. They gave me RhoGam in January for the early loss and I tested positive in Feb for AntiD. Then concieved again right away, and had an ectopic, recieved the RhoGam again, and now am still testing positive for AntiD....... I just can't help but wonder if it's from the shots because I was not sensitized in January with the 5wk loss.......
  3. Thank you both so much for your replies. I should get my results back today hopefully, and will let you know what the titer result says. It does give me some hope knowing it possibly could be from the RhoGam. Thank You.
  4. Sorry, I probably don't belong here. I was searching for something to give me some added insight on some recent bloodwork I am still waiting on... Would anyone be able to tell me how long I should expect to wait for an anti-d titer to be ran? I had the blood drawn last Thursday, and as of last evening the docs office said they only had the test stating I do have the antibody, but the titer would take more time. Also, since I am among those with expertise.....:cool:.... Tell me what you would think? I had RhoGam in January due to an early m/c..... Had a tubal pregnancy in March also recieved RhoGam again.... In January, not positive on AntiD.. But was positive in March, and now........... I have read a lot of studies saying the RhoGam shot can show positive for AntiD for quite some time after recieving it...... True? Could I be hopeful they are picking up on my RhoGam shot and NOT me truly being sensitized? Sorry if I am not welcome here, not being in the field..... I just can't find answers anywhere!
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