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Everything posted by dboutin

  1. I wonder if some people are testing or reporting Rh result prior to 3 months post transfusion.
  2. While in some cases when identifying antibodies it might be interesting to differentiate a regular reaction ex: 1+ than a strong reaction 1+s. Do you see this importance for ABO-RH grouping or 1+ is sufficient ? Thanks
  3. Why are you grading MF since this happens is some particular situations.
  4. I would like to know if some people are grading mixed field 1 +, 2+ or if you are using only the terme mixed fields Thanks
  5. I would like to know if as a reference lab you are using a grade scale as the AABB recommandation such as 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+ or if you you are using as well 1+½, 2+½ and 3+½ to help finding different andibody­. If so how what are your descriptions for each of them. Thanks
  6. My question was originally for a donnor record ? dboutin
  7. Thanks for your time and yes it helped a lot. dboutin
  8. Thank you, Merci, Savez-vous quelle norme ou réglement européen rend cette pratique obligatoire ? Do you know which european standard or regulations that makes it mandatory ? Thanks, Merci.
  9. I wonder if it is mandatory to make a phenotype determination twice on two separate draw in order to consider it confirmed. Is somebody know ? If yes, which standard or regulation requires that ? Thanks
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