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Posts posted by sgtdmski

  1. One of the concerns I came across with the ProVue is the extended crossmatch. If you use only the IgG card in doing your crossmatch, because the package insert does not claim that the card is capable of identifying IgM, a laboratory was cited for not ruling out ABO incompatibility.

    In other words, we have a policy to do an extended crossmatch for all positive antibody screens, we do not perform Antibody ID. However, using the ProVue means we have to perform both a Buffer Gel (IS) and the IgG card (extended).

  2. I am a traveller. I have worked in several different facilities all using the tube method. The policies vary according to each facility. I have worked in facilities that do not require microscopic examination of AHG phase except for fetal blood screens. Others have required microscopic exam of DATs, and currently I am working at a facility that requires microscopic exam of all AHG phase testing.


  3. Sgt Dave:

    Thank you for your service to our country ...

    The R Set (we call it a minipanel) is used to exclude all antibodies other than Anti-D. Ortho Panel A has 3-4 cells marked with an "@" in the righthand column that can be used for this purpose, although some sites just do a complete panel. It's at the discretion of the BB Supv and Medical Director.

    We report it an "Anti-RhIg" with a comment that the identified Anti-D was consistent with a patient who recently received RhIg.

    I appreciate the info on the Panel A. We use the Immuncor 20 cell panel and cells 11 - 13 are all negative for D. I was just hoping to find a little r set because we are transitioning to the 10 cell panel. I guess they just don't offer it anymore.

  4. When I was back in the Army and at Fort Sill, I was assigned as the Blood Bank NCOIC (noncommissioned officer in charge). We had several Rh negative women of child bearing age who would receive Rhogam. As part of our procedure we were required to do a Type and Screen on each of the OB patients when they were admitted. Often times the Rh negative mothers who had received Rhogam would have a positive antibody screen. We used to do a Little r panel on these patients. Little r was a second antibody screen panel. If this panel was negative we reported the antibody screen as negative and commented that patient had received Rhogam. I believed that we used either a Gamma (which is now immuncor) or an Orthro test kit for this.

    Is anybody familiar with this procedure or product and does anyone use this in their Blood Bank???

    I am currently a traveller and the last several labs I have worked at do not do this procedure and instead require a complete Antibody ID.



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