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Angela S.

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Posts posted by Angela S.

  1. If there is a regulatory requirement for this situation, please let me know :)

    How would your organization transfuse the following patient:

    TS performed on day 1.   Patient is A- with a negative screen. 

    Patient receives a massive transfusion in surgery. Due to inventory constraints, the patient received 12 A+ RBCs. 

    TS on day 3. Patient is typing as A+ (No Mixed Field, just straight up A+), negative screen. 


    If the floor ordered a unit of blood after the 2nd type and screen, what type of RBCs would your organization require you to transfuse?

  2. This is a long post, so bear with me :)

    Background: We use Wellsky and Beaker!

    Our hospital is bringing up a program to transplant incompatible hearts in kiddos <2 years of age. When we do ABO testing in Wellsky, it only sends over the interpretation of the type to Beaker.  The physician team wants to see the strength of the reactions in the back type, as they are using this information, along with titer info, to make decisions of blood exchanges intra op on these kiddos.  These samples may arrive for "back typing" multiple times throughout the surgery as they continue to perform these exchanges. 

    My question is this: I know we normally DO NOT enter any blood bank results directly into Beaker, but is there any regulation anywhere saying that we cannot create a new test code in Beaker and result it as only a backtype? We want to keep it out of Wellsky because these backtypes are expected to result in an ABO discrepancy, and we don't want to deal with ABO issues for these patients. 

    Anyone got any ideas on how you would handle this situation? All feedback is appreciated!

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