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Birthday Bot

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Everything posted by Birthday Bot

  1. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. teskridge (68)sgtdmski (56)fusons4 (53)MelindaAllen (44)bahn (59)seide (65)Gabriel KO (47)EHawrylciw (50)Anita Curcio Brint (68)Jamie --
  2. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. mevers (70)pdalton2 (75)EMLIZZIE65 (60)Tonyd (68)lgraves (70)gerlach28 (50)PDS (47)michaeljason1345 (20)
  3. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Dawn (62)LPEREZ (56)Lorig39 (64)aseemtwr (55)kasidie7 (36)Hawkeye2 (78)simon hook (66)dlabat (67)bbeth (43)enkhjargal (65)lspringer (44)lspringer81 (44)Eye_Ruh (38)mgscientific (39)K Miller (49)
  4. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. ryomtovian (76)stephenmberns (52)sally smythe (60)MCrosby (52)gotblood (56)johndheathcote (39)AuntieBB (39)valentinaF (38)J.Wilkowich --mmabbas (30)Littellallen (39)
  5. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. legerel (69)salahbohisi (52)pame (38)severhart4 --PLASMAlady --BethanyVA --
  6. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Lynn FrazerDowns (64)clive_james (49)mrb_ibpn (80)DaiMD (46)gefontir (60)ramier359 (47)JDIXON1 (52)The light (38)labcoat (45)nziegler (46)YasKing (46)asare offeh (45)
  7. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Saband (55)GilTphoto (70)angel (68)TMOSLEY (53)tigersudz (51)MAGNUM (63)Dee2 (63)ahdongyh (45)A-Pos (60)Miron (61)
  8. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. jim c (58)mnrao1981 (44)TLange (69)hati (64)65 Gallon (89)zuzu (46)jankptrsn (71)Gour Sur (65)jsbz (45)nads (48)NICKJM (70)Ismari Ramos Centeno (50)AshleyW --Jgutkind (58)COWEN4 --
  9. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. khamilto (72)jimw2388 (77)dwilson (68)nanste (69)blood bank dh (59)bevdu (73)ibrahimsy (77)pepperpotts (40)mboco (52)mearley (52)lklowe (66)akilan (44)ayman63 (62)Paramjit (54)arthur (61)
  10. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. marshas (74)RWOOD57 (68)peecmp (47)ADELINE (70)robislearning (53)michellm (55)Daoshai (45)msjob33 (54)eelayn (58)GDoubt (48)GCH LAB RAT (53)Dheeraj Joshi (45)jbower (52)amccart (38)Dianna (55)naomitolliver (59)peterlee (45)scyteklabo (45)
  11. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Immunohematologist (42)BenchTech (44)MLLSpar (56)BBOA34 (47)gzecchini (61)liakam (34)D Hutch (49)Lil --
  12. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Gbkb45 (40)davidalmond01 (38)rj thomas (68)San Diego Clin Path (70)iraqlover (46)LynK (58)SEMOBB (60)tiburon62 (63)Agnes FRISS (81)abillarn (60)KTurner (60)julie anderson --lori.l (62)
  13. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Kohmann (68)ck40 (69)LJE (64)waseem (36)mhathilakarathna (57)jfdrn (45)yinluan (38)
  14. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. kotrla (69)pherman (40)doharris (65)mohammadrizki (45)hwyant (52)clb154 (61)Kkattelus (58)MedOR --
  15. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. dlamonta (68)PamD (75)Lisamiamoore (72)bsauci (54)jlamm (40)sidj (58)Gigi (49)shearon (62)KatieT (54)ALEXI2009 (55)aleica (55)cha (53)kabuli17 (46)Mruggles (70)Mlhoepner (46)Leila A. Cardeno --
  16. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. mt yoyo (38)Deepak Singh (49)Bloodbankergirl (46)areym (60)Dallas (65)bsasnett (63)clarkesarah (46)nicki0281 (44)Prospere52 (71)JAY (52)muber123 (55)cdamario (63)jdaven (67)erum ayub (43)dmo (55)EDREW --erum khalid --KLB banker (62)Craig Chalmers (37)
  17. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Janet219 (51)la66 (59)JNevins (60)jeloweryii (50)PSPELL (64)asyk3 (43)felice (64)ava (74)janovoa72 (53)rochardgems (43)generalist (61)maya (37)kkheng (69)balagola (48)new2BB (48)bhatsudha (75)Paige (63)Michelle44 (53)Angel_tsk (44)ashasrajai (40)mirghani1968 (57)wes (67)RebeccaMG (43)KTUCK (49)Marie Cannon --
  18. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. jkroc (51)FEL (57)valery21 (44)wilsedw (40)Paul Maddox (72)
  19. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. kk072 (66)Phoebe Chio (51)JSSTCB (39)aninha (51)ladybug9537 (71)sisve (60)juiwang (56)lmbgab (62)beyur (57)dupe (67)terry george (76)william williams (72)Eugenew (72)eugenewcom (72)Cheryl Patrice (67)pinkgirl (66)Eva Szego (51)
  20. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. hmcmahon (64)Cellano (73)smokey (65)Terry Schaack,MD (69)SBBSue (60)
  21. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Konecki (71)mbd_of_marbella (51)basak (45)n.peters (47)ewemass (70)SRANA1989 (62)muzammils (48)
  22. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. jlh25 (45)BB2 (57)Mini Me (47)DonD (60)luis.romariz (71)desilu0 --
  23. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. dpflanz (61)jpatel (53)KSeekamp (61)Gary Griffin (68)lyla_n (43)mcdonaja (53)bbnova (62)ChelseyOpalenik --Jigs --
  24. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Iris_tam (42)casallen (55)Theresa112 (72)ccohn (62)ritamuse (63)hai_24 (52)carolynjaynejones (47)Madhu Kumari (40)Awana (67)Changezi (48)Dr Vo Anh Thoai (50)kmiller (34)
  25. PathLabTalk would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. DANDERS (62)avm2008 (59)Jill's Corby (44)noura (41)Griffin L (69)rainbow (58)mcconnellg (66)EricaS (44)debrahs19 (46)Annjojo --
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