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amniotic fluid testing


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does anyone do any testing on amniotic fluid?  we have some ob/gyn md's requesting (demanding is a better word) that we do: cell count, leukocyte esterase, glucose, and gram stain with culture.  I don't understand why they want a leukocyte esterase (they want us to just use our urine dipstick) if we would be giving a cell count.

** does anyone do "leukocyte esterase" testing on amniotic fluid? if so, by what method and how did you validate?

** how different does amniotic fluid look when doing a cell count? are there any kinds of cells a general tech wouldn't be familiar with? (for example, I know there are lamellar bodies, but haven't been able to find a picture of they would look like under the scope.)


any experience you can share is appreciated!

Nicole z

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