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Posts posted by johndheathcote

  1. I will be starting med school at A.T. Still - SOMA in July. Currently taking a malaria class at LACEN (Amazon State Laboratory in Brazil).

    I have a question related to my introduction. I would like to learn how to do alot of the basic and important labs (as I plan on working in some rual areas outside the US) and think it may be useful. What is the general opinion of doctors who do labs in rual (out of US) areas. is this ok? are they considered unqualified? Any good books on the topic? Im looking for a good lab book (Kindle compatable) so I can review some of the labs and maybe get trainned on some of them during my breaks etc.

  2. I am a med student from the US and am currently taking a Malaria class in Brazil. We are learning how to identify malaria. I have a couple questions.

    How many hours of clinical practice does someone need to get this down in the USA? I know our lab here has been critizied for teaching the class at 4hrs a day for two months. I will be having even less practical time. 4 hrs a day for a month. In short... what is the US view on being able to identify after that time?

    How long to malaria slides last? Giemsa and Walker stains. Would it be a usless effort to try to collect some reference slides of Malaria, T. Cruzi, Filaria and Microfilaria? I would like to continue doing work outside the US and think these may be useful years down the road. Do they have this long of a shelf life? Is this effort kinda pointless anyways?

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