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Everything posted by emadlabs

  1. Hi , I am out U,S,A in middle East and have 20 years in ministry of health 7 years in main hospital and 13 years in national blood bank I have Diploma in medical laboratories , two years study What is your opinion. Is there any chance to work ?
  2. What is the job title of the holder of the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences In the United States, the European Union, Canada and Australia ?

    1. SMILLER


      In the US, I believe there is a difference between the title of the degree and the title of the position.  Different colleges and universities have different designations for the degrees they bestow.

      To complicate things, the board-certified designations have changed and merged over the last ten years depending on which agency is doing the certification.  So there are some older techs that were certified over the years as MTs, MLTs, CLSs. CLTs, etc.

      The current US job titles (ASCP) are: Medical Laboratory Scientist (B.S.) and Medical Laboratory Technician (A.A.S.).


  3. We in Amman Jordan use Quadruple bags with a small bag that we can take samples of them without the mixing CPD blood
  4. thanks for god The patient improved her condition and apparently did not take the whole unit as I understood from the hospital and last week left the hospital for her home safely What is your interpretation that she lived and survived after taking the blood of AB Neg and she is O+ ?
  5. incompatable ABO transfusion to sickle cell anemia patient complain of painful crisis women group O positive Rh has given 2 units AB negative packed R.B.Cs the doctors dont sent any reaction and say that the patient take 2 units without any reactions ! now she in I.C.U section and her kiddney function test is normal or not worst her l.f.t is good Is her immune weak and this reason to not obtain any reaction according doctors ! in this case do this wrong transfusion the reason 100% about her case I mean the respnsibility
  6. the patient still a life she did not die i ask can we give her O + PRBCs and AB + Plasma or we should give her the same main group A +?
  7. 38 years old , female for C/S request for 4 units blood By wrong way from technition give 4 units B+ Packed RBCs unfortunately the patient was A+ in the fact but the technetion was made x matching with the other sample which was belonged other patient The doctors told that the patient has taken approximately 2 units B+ blood ! What may occurs with patient and what the suitable steps for blood bank to save the patient .
  8. 38 years old , female for C/S request for 4 units blood By wrong way from technition give 4 units B+ Packed RBCs unfortunately the patient was A+ in the fact but the technetion was made x matching with the other sample which was belonged other patient The doctors told that the patient has taken approximately 2 units B+ blood ! What may occurs with patient and what the suitable steps for blood bank to save the patient
  9. 38 years old , female for C/S request for 4 units blood By wrong way from technition give 4 units B+ Packed RBCs unfortunately the patient was A+ in the fact but the technetion was made x matching with the other sample which was belonged other patient The doctors told that the patient has taken approximately 2 units B+ blood ! What may occurs with patient and what the suitable steps for blood bank to save the patient
  10. when we take any order for transfusion blood first we do blood group and Rh factor for some patients ( Kidney failure و Thalassemia و sickle cells anemia ... etc ) we do phenotype for patient and give filtered RBCs We do cross matching for units Each unit of blood must be free of infectious diseases by blood, such as AIDS و hepatitis B و C و syphilis and anti-core
  11. In Jordan The law prohibits the withdrawal of blood from non-citizens who do not have a national number , And often the patient's relatives and friends are donating his blood when acting surgery , We in Jordan give foreign patients blood without blood donation and we Spend 5,000 units of blood a month and be very few cases of incompatible blood from 0 - 3 % or 6 cases in The worst conditions we do cross matching for every unit prepared
  12. which is the most suitable case ? The first case, check blood type and Antibody screen waiting asked the doctor for blood and give blood without checking x - matching examination if Antibody screen negative The second case, do Cross Matching for every unit asked the doctor prepared
  13. Is it correct to prepare blood unit by using a hemolysis blood sample ?! if reverse group test work properly ? or we must ask another sample ?
  14. In 1991 I started work in medical laboratory and in 2000 I worked with M.O.H in jordan in Aqaba and in Amman I worked in 2004 in albasheer hospital at last in 2007 I worked in blood bank centre in amman But I still work blood group coombs test and x-match only
  15. Can I Know any web site has table for antibodies identification in saline and AHG ( AT 22 AND 37 ) agglutination such as Diamed wall table
  16. hi can you tell me what is the source or reference for this information with my thanks
  17. we in National Bank of jordan give the Specialist doctor 4 choices 1- for 24 hour supply in daily Operations (not urgent) 2- for 45 minutes supply for urgent case ( with x-match test ) 3-give same blood group without x-math test for very urgent case and 4 choice for life save we give O + for male patient or female over 45 years ( will not be pregnant in the future ) or give O Negative only for female under 45 years and we give the blood which Specialist doctor choice from this 4 choices under his Responsibility behind his signature to keep o negative in blood bank and give it for right case and right patient
  18. Is it mandatory to retest the same units for ABO & Rh during Pre-transfusion compatibility testing? (Standard 5.13.1) We in jordan do blood group from the finger donor blood and next section in blood bank retest all blood group which we take it from donors and record blood group on lable put on blood unit and when we choice the unit to make x-match we shall do blood group for the blood unit 3 times we check blood group for the same unit to give the right unit to right patient
  19. platelets AB + first your favourite choice give the same group AB+ if you have no AB+ you can give AB- The seconed choice , and if no AB+ & AB- third choice you can give A or B group and the last choice you can give platelets O + to AB + patient
  20. of course you mustn,t give pateint O Pos any blood except O Pos or O Neg only, because whole blood contains in plasma Anti-A & Anti-B which reaction with antigen B in group B or with Antigen A in group A so with blood AB Public rule you can give O blood ( R.B.C) to A , B , or AB Patient and you can give A , B , & O to AB Patient
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